Monday, November 30, 2009

Criminal Profile: Vanier Computer Hacker

G.P Vanier Computer Hacker

by Andraya Walters

Characteristics of a G.P Vanier computer hacker:

Limited social skills
reason: if they had many friends they wouldn't resort to the computer to spend all their time, also because hacking takes time to learn how to do and get good at (and they must be good at hacking otherwise they wouldn't have been able to get into a high school data base) it means that they must have alot of time on their hands which would be because
Contributions of limited social skills: not attractive, odd behaviour.

Technology smarts
the hacker needs to be good with technology to be able to figure out how to hack into a data base.

Has Easy Accessible Computer
reason: he must have access to a computer other wise he couldn't have hacked anything, and he must have one at home because trying it anywhere else would be too risky. At school the librarian is constantly looking over your shoulder or in a cafe you would have to pay money and because the hacker has limited social skills they wouldn't be in public places as much.

Fairly Well Off Money Wise
He must have his own computer becuase it would be too complicated on the family computer or the parents computer so that means that the family must have a good amount of money to be able to pay for his own computer. It also means that the family must have enough money to pay for two computers because they wouldn't buy one for their son/daughter and not one for themselves. Therefore they must be fairly well off, money wise.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Serial Killer Poster Assignment

Clifford Olson
British Columbia
Serial Killer

Crimes and Victims:

  1. Christine Weller, 12, stabbed and strangled, 1980.

  2. Colleen Marian Daignault, 13, vanished, remains were found in a forest near American border, 1981

  3. Daryn Todd Johnsrude, 16, repetitive hammer blows, 1981.

  4. Sandra Wolfsteiner, 16, 1981

  5. Ada Court, 13, 1981

  6. Simon Partington, 9, raped and strangled, 1981.

  7. Judy Kozma, 14, raped and strangled, 1981.

  8. Raymond King Jr., 15, raped and bludgeoned to death, 1981.

  9. Sigrun Arnd, 18, raped and bludgeoned to death, 1981.

  10. Terri Lyn Carson, 15, raped and strangled, 1981.

  11. Louise Chartrand, 17, bludgeoned to death with hammer, 1981.
Clifford Olson targeted adolescents ages 9 - 18, male and female. He would often lure the children into his car and drive away to some rural area where nobody could find him. Olson though did not kill every person who entered his car, many times he drove them where they wanted to go, other times he sexually assaulted them, other times he killed them. His method to lure in the kids were by offering jobs to fake companies, drugs, alcohol, and rides in his car to places they needed to go.

Clifford Olson was arrested on August 12, 1981 due to attempts to abducted two teenage girls. Also a witness gave information on Olson because he had been socializing with him and so he knew some information about him. The police had, had their suspicion's on Olson for a long time but had not enough evidence to convict him, and when more witness's and evidence was provided, Clifford Olson was sent to prison with a life sentence.

Clifford Olson was born on January 1, 1940 in Vancouver, BC and was the first born of his three siblings. He was reported to have been in trouble with the law from a young age, he also killed and tortured animals, and at school was a bully. At this young age these signs show that Olson was a developing psychopath and now is seen as an extreme psychopath. At the ages of 17-21 Olson had, had 194 arrests including fraud and robbery. In all of his 41 years, Olson had only lived 4 of those adult years as a free man and he also had escaped from prison 7 times. Clifford Olson proffered to commit crimes with heavy objects (hammers), knives, and whatever he had around him such as rocks or metal pieces, another proffered technique was strangling. Some particular characteristics Olson:
  1. torture and killing of animals
  2. bullying
  3. constant jail time (could have made the choice to stop after his years in prison)
  4. he had many interventions like having children and jail time and a psychiatrist but he chose to keep committing crimes

Clifford Olson could be defined in the Classical Theory and Biological Theory. The Classical Theory is when a criminal makes that choice to commit the crime and the Biological Theory states that a criminal is how he/she is because of some biological ailment. Though these almost contridict themselves I believe that both these theories are true about Clifford Olson because he grew up torturing and killing animals which is a part of the Biological Theory, and effects something in his mind which later makes him a psychopath. But Olson grew up in a good environment with working parents who later on were embarrassed and his father (Olson Senior) said that "[his son] knows what he's facing, [and] [knows] he might have to serve 10 years." ( demonstrating that his criminal behaviour has nothing to do with the way he was raised, and also that not only Olson knows but his father knows that Olson has his own choices, he just didn't choose the right ones.

Olson was a hedonistic killer because he found out easy prey whom he could take easy control over which helps him get what he wants and then easily be over with. He always raped his victims so he could get his pleasure then killed them, he was also involved in sexual assaults early in his life.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Andraya's Theory

My theory is that criminals commit the crimes they do because of the influence of their environment and peers. If someone grows up in a safe location (not including medical and mental illnesses) than they will live accustomed to that culture and lifestyle so they will be law-abiding and civil, but if they are raised in a dangerous area with crime and drugs than they will do those such things. People only know from what they have learned, and they learn from the way they were raised. Because you are taught to act a certain way every-day when you are younger, you abide and do so without questions because that is normal for someone in your environment and lifestyle to do. If someone in a safe environment is introduced by peers to dangerous and illegal things, than they will be tempted to join in. Peer pressure is a large portion of committing crimes, but I believe that those who are forced into crime by peers don't usually continue to commit crimes when they break those relationship ties unless they have an addiction to this act or to the substances that encourage them. Its monkey see, monkey do, people are influenced by their surroundings.

Scenario: WANTED *Micky Davis, 18, Caucasian male, 5 ft 6, dragon art tattoo on forearm, silver eye tattoo on neck. Arrested for theft, robbery, 3 assaults, possession of narcotics, and most recently first degree murder. This man is dangerous and if seen must be reported immediately to the police.

Story- Micky Davis grew up in a part of town with much less money and control, the slums as most call it. He lived in an ground floor apartment with his father, his mother moved out years ago, she too is a wanted suspect. The whole family has a criminal record, and the police know each by name easily. When Micky was eight his mother was evicted for drug trafficking and had been well known with the men in the neighborhood. His father was a chronic swearer but kept the money on their rent fairly well. Micky lived with this his whole life, as well as the putrid smell, shifty streets, and frequent gun shots at night, to him and the other people who lived here this was normal. At 15 he was involved in a gang known to the police as the Midnight Revolvers, due to their continuous use of the gun type. He is now on the run with this gang after a shooting in the neighborhood involving Micky and a rival gang-member.

My view- People like Micky Davis have their views on life altered and warped by their neighborhood. From the way he was raised he didn't know how else to deal with himself because having crack-head mothers and joining gangs at 15 was normal for the kids on his street and he was just doing what everyone else in his society did. He would have had such a different life if he were in a private school with a rich, business father and fake step-mother and owned half of California just as he would be different if he lived in Courtenay, BC, in a farm house with forty cows, a sheep-dog, seven siblings and a happy mother and father. Everyone is influenced by their family, friends and environment and that's why they grow up to think differently. People act upon what they know. Micky could have been raised to think that drugs and violence are a dangerous and bad thing, but he wasn't. He was raised to think that a loaded revolver and the f-bomb were essential to have at all times. Micky Davis was born into *black and white, there was no avoiding it.

*1-Not real name, made up for this particular project
*2-Black and White meaning the jail suit